



Standard pipe – E355 material – supplied complete with weld ends in accordance with the most common connection systems. The diameters, wall thickness and lengths that can be supplied comply with the customers’ requirements and current industry standards. The product represents the entry level version of concrete delivery pipes. Particularly suitable for pumping small volumes of concrete.

Operating pressure 85-bar / Burst Pressure 170-bar.


TAB. 1

Connecting system/Sistema di collegamento
SC G “GU” System - Grooved Sistema “GU”- Mis. in pollici
SC M “GU” System - Metric Sistema “GU” - Mis. metriche
HD “GU” System - Raised Sistema “GU” - Mis. speciali
SW “OR” System - Male-Fem. Std. Sistema “OR” - M + F std.
Z - ZX “OR” System - M + F conic Sistema “OR” - M + F conico

TAB 2.

Weld-on collar sizes/Dimensioni collari
20 2” - 50/60.3
25 2,5” - 65/73
30 3” - 75/88.9
34 3” - 80/97
40 4” - 100/114
44 4.4” - 112/148
45 4,5” - 100/127
47 5” - 120/142
50 5” - 125/141.3
55 5,5” - 125/148
60 6” - 150/168.3
65 6,5” - 150/178
70 7” - 180/200
75 7,5” - 180/209